Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2
Purpose: Hope for Healing
We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. – Colossians 1:28-29
Master’s Mind Ministry exists to give people hope for healing as they are reconciled to God and His truth by the renewing of their minds.
Sin has corrupted our relationship with God and is the cause of separation, conflict and pain. This is true whether the person committed the sin intentionally or unknowingly. It is also true when a sin is committed against them. It affects every person living on earth, to one extent or another.
There is a remedy. God has provided a way for every person to be reconciled. This removes the offense of the sin and breaks its power to create conflict and separate them from God’s perfect will.
A young man recently commented to me how sad it is that people take their health for granted. I agreed, then added that is it even sadder when people (my age) take their poor health for granted. They have no hope for healthy living, blaming it on their age or the sinful world around them.
God heals spiritually, emotionally and physically. We admonish and teach every man that they can be presented complete (perfect) in Christ. When the strangle-hold of sin is broken then relationship with God and others is restored. When emotional trauma, false beliefs, and bitterness are reconciled by forgiveness then the new and perfected identity is established. When relationships and identities are healed it becomes apparent in the physical, as well.
There are two important roles for the healing prayer warrior. We offer hope to the one needing prayer, a hope founded in confident faith and understanding of the nature of God. We also act as a witness, sticking up for God’s reputation or the person’s, depending on the need.
Vision: An Army of Prayer Warriors
For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. – Ephesians 4:12-13
Master’s Mind Ministry is creating an army of prayer warriors that are made perfect in Christ and confidently intercede for others. As a result, the church which is the body of Christ grows in unity and maturity as His bride.
The job is too great for just a few; a great army of prayer warriors is needed. Intercession is most effective one on one or in small groups. This allows the participants to focus on the presenting need, asking God for truth and listening through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The faith of the intercessor is shared best when the person receiving prayer knows and trusts them already.
It is not too difficult to become an effective intercessor, so the great army of prayer warriors will not be limited by special abilities or gifts. Everyone can learn to hear from God and pray for one another. And everyone should. It brings people into relationship, fosters unity, increases joy to all, and brings glory to God.
So that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. – Ephesians 3:10
This ministry of reconciling people to Christlikeness is the fullness of the gospel. The good news of evangelism begins with the promise of spiritual reconciliation, and the fullness builds on that truth to every aspect of the person’s life, spiritually, emotionally and physically. It takes a great army to share that much good news.
Prayer warriors are equipped to do battle in the heavenly places against rulers and authorities that are opposed to God. This is the role of the body of Christ and it can only be managed when the members of this body operate in unity. Master’s Mind Ministry exists to protect and promote this truth in godly stewardship.
Ministry: Touching, Teaching and Training
Healing Prayer: We offer one on one and small group prayer sessions by appointment to ask the Lord for guidance and listen together for His healing truth. Generally, Calvin prays with men and Julie prays with women, though at times we meet together with another couple.
Mentoring: We meet one on one to encourage and equip people to grow in their relationship with God and become intercessors. This is done by appointment either in person or by phone.
Discipleship: We meet with small groups of people to admonish and teach each other about the ways of God, growing in our faith by discussion and sharing what we have learned. These weekly meetings are open to new participants. There are currently five groups that meet.
Teaching: We have developed material to teach on a range of topics for the building up of the body of Christ. Teaching opportunities typically come by request from a sponsoring organization, such as a church, fellowship or school. It may be a guest speaking slot, a retreat, conference, seminar or small group discussion. We often teach in the Pacific Northwest, and by invitation to other areas of the country or world.
Training: We are available to train people for healing prayer and other intercessory roles. In addition to mentoring and discipleship, we conduct workshops onsite that introduce and instruct people to become prayer warriors. This may look like a series of classes nearby, a three or four day seminar, or condensed training suitable for international audiences.
Praise the Lord for His goodness. He does the supernatural things and heals spiritually, emotionally and physically.
I recently received an email from a young man with whom I had prayed. God met him in that prayer time, and renewed his mind so he became free from some fears. A few weeks later he realized that he needed more truth about his identity, so he went to prayer. He was confident in hearing the truth from God because he heard in a way that was similar to when we had prayed together. The message was confirmed by what he had been learning in a class we had been teaching. What an encouragement that this young man could so quickly become a prayer warrior, and soon he will be praying with others so they can be healed.
Several months ago a woman was healed from some emotional trauma through healing prayer. In the ensuing weeks her physical issues began to clear up. She readily shares her testimony with others, and offers to pray with them. God is using her to comfort others with the same comfort that she has received.
I had been sharing with a believer about the power of healing prayer, and the simplicity of it. The next day she had an opportunity to intercede for a young friend of hers. At first she was hesitant, but she began to ask God for truth. Her friend was freed from some terrors and began praising God. They both wondered if it could really be this simple. Now they are looking for opportunities to pray for others. They are part of the army of prayer warriors.
We would love to have you join this army. Help us see the vision come true. Let us know how we can help you grow into the fullness of Christ.