Personal Ministry Mentoring

Your life is a testimony.  How you live your life reflects your world view and your belief or faith in God.  The goal and purpose of Personal Ministry Mentoring is to help you integrate your life so that you mature into the likeness of Christ.

This service is ideal for self-employed individuals, salespeople, managers and other individuals that want to get real value out of what they do with their life.

Analysis & Review

You were created with unique desires and resources, and your personality has been formed through experience and circumstances.  During the initial stage of mentoring we discover who God made you to be.  This includes your motivational spiritual gifts, your personality profile, and some of your hopes and dreams.

Mentoring Sessions

The real work of intentional growth and change is done through twice-monthly mentoring sessions.  The sessions are efficiently conducted by telephone appointment and scheduled well in advance.

Tools and Resources

Mentoring: a relational experience in which one person empowers another by shaing God-given resources.
Clinton & Stanley, Connecting, Navpress, 1992, page 33

Some of the tools (personality and spiritual gift tests) are used to discover things about you that might not otherwise be readily apparent.  Other tools are used to organize your thinking and provide accountability.  The resources included in your personal ministry mentoring sessions have been created or collected over many years, and have proven effective.

Evaluation and Review

Progress reports are conducted each quarter to make sure that your expectations are being met, and to insure that the service you are receiving is of great value.  There are tangible ways to measure the intangible changes involved in this kind of life coaching.

Getting Started

If you are interested in finding out more about the Personal Ministry Mentoring program, please contact me to schedule a time for an introductory interview.  Feel free to call at (360) 891-4490.