What or Who causes “natural disasters”?

Discussion question for March 26, 2010.

There is a lot of discussion recently about global warming, and the extent of influence man has on it.  Are some natural disasters caused by man?  What role does God play in earthquakes, famine, tsunamis, floods, storms and such?  What power does the devil have over our physical environment?  How then should we live?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    According to the Bible, God cursed the ground because of Adam and Eve’s sin so that would be the origin of “natural disasters.” Also, in Isaiah God is very clear that He causes earthquakes, famine, floods, storms, and all. So God has ultimate control and responsibility for them, though they are a response (consequence) of man’s sin.

    The devil is given limited authority over disasters in a way that is defined by God. The book of Job describes God allowing him to bring storms, wars, and even physical sickness. Interestingly, the devil takes credit for the power but then blames God for the outcome. An example is found in Exodus where the “magicians” attempt to duplicate the signs Moses did through God’s authority. They did this to bring God down to their level.

    God is in control of the general effects of disasters just like He brings rain on the just and unjust. An earthquake in Haiti or Chile kills people and destroys stuff for good and bad alike. God is also in control of the specific effects of the disasters, keeping some from harm through miraculous intervention while others are not protected.

    Psalm 46 describes God as an ever-present help in trouble. The preposition is “in” not “instead”, so we can expect God to provide us with comfort, peace, resources and opportunity to glorify Him “in” the trouble. He promises to watch over me, not as a bystander but as a personal agent with authority, and the stated objective is to “bring together all things for good” (Romans 8:28).

    The world will continue to experience disasters. The curse will ultimately destroy the world. God will recreate the world, and there will be a new heaven and new earth. We can trust Him to keep us through this process.

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