What is truth?

Discussion question for August 14, 2009.

There are many “facts” and “opinions” being used by people around us to form their world view.  Not all can be true because often one opinion or ‘fact’ conflicts with another.  How can we know what is true?  What makes it true?  Is there an absolute truth?  Just as important: How can we share the truth with others?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    There is absolute truth. Truth is not an opinion, doctrine, theory, fact or consensus. Truth is a person: Jesus Christ.

    A big challenge happens when we try to share the truth with (some) others, they just aren’t going to get it. Jesus explained this to the disciples and Pharisees in John 8. He stated that they can’t “hear the word” because they do not have truth in them. We meet people in our immediate surroundings that do not have truth in them, and they are unable to “hear the word” of truth. No matter how persuasive or eloquent you try to be, the receiver isn’t equipped to accept it.

    Much of the debates that go on about truth are really centered around “conclusions”. One person argues with another about the conclusion they have drawn, and it ends up as a no-win conversation. Argument does not (can not) win the day, especially when the “discover truth” conversation is just a guise for stating (restating) my firmly held position.

    Moving away from these “facts” and conclusions requires a step of faith. That is what the absolute truth is based on – faith and conviction in what is not seen.

    But what about us? How do we know what is true?

    The Bible is our standard for the word of God, which speaks truth. We must be careful to listen to what God is saying and not interpret the words through our own faulty grid, however.

    The Holy Spirit guides us in all truth. This comes in the form of our conscience, feelings and opinions in the inner man, and from trusted advisors. We accept this truth through faith, and often prove it with obedience according to what we do know.

    No matter what, we must interrogate our beliefs and hold them up to the light of Truth. When we have a conclusion that colors our judgment through woundedness or sin, then we could believe something to be true that isn’t. Knowing this, we must walk humbly before God and allow Him to guide us in truth.

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