Discussion question for March 5, 2021.
Isaiah 40 includes the often quoted verse: “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.” What does waiting on the Lord mean to you? How does your attitude affect your ability? what do you do while you wait? How do you know how long to wait? What temptations get in the way of your waiting? Give some examples of those who did not wait on the Lord, and how that worked out for them. Give some examples of those who did wait on Him. How will this information impact your prayer life and your relationship with God?
Discussion question for February 26, 2021.
Jesus taught a parable about the Good Shepherd and how the sheep know His voice. How have you heard the voice of the Shepherd in the past? What conditions do you need to help you hear His voice? When has He gone silent, and how did that cause you to respond? How do you encourage your children, or spiritual children, to learn God’s voice? What do you hope to hear from Him next?
Discussion question for February 19, 2021.
The proper place for hope is in the LORD, yet we can be tempted to place our hope in something else. How is misplaced hope similar to idolatry? Where else are you likely to put your hope? What have you recognized as competition for your faith? How do you strengthen your faith in the LORD? Can you recommend any strategies or disciplines that help you keep your hope in the Lord? What is your first indicator that your hope has slipped to something lesser? How do you bring your alliance back to where it should be?
Discussion question for February 12, 2021.
The Psalmist professed that his delight was in the Lord. What does it mean to you to delight in the Lord? How do build the delight? How do you recognize the Lord’s delight in you? Describe a time when you experienced that delight. How did it begin? What impression did you take away from the experience? What gets in the way of your relationship with God? How has He instructed you regarding this matter?
Everyone faces the risk of “hearing what they want to hear.” What are your strategies to help you hear what someone is saying without interpreting the message to suit yourself? What is the biggest risk of hearing what you want to hear? How does your relationship with others, such as a spouse, help you learn to listen? How well do you listen to God? How do you keep from being thrown off track when God speaks to you?
Discussion question for January 29, 2021.
God has a purpose for your life, and invites you to participate in what He is up to. What do you believe is your next assignment from Him? How do you discover His will? What are you doing to fulfill His will? What have you learned to do without during this disruption? What have you learned to do differently? How do you encourage other believers to discover what is next for them?
Discussion question for January 22, 2021.
We discussed the difference between sharing our opinion versus sharing the truth. What are the signals that indicate a person is looking for truth? What keeps you from sharing with others? How can you know the Holy Spirit is speaking through you? What is the greatest risk you face when sharing the truth with others? How are you motivated?
Discussion question for January 15, 2021.
Psalm 94 begins with a fervent prayer for the Lord’s vengeance against evil and wickedness. How should you manage your “justice mentality” in light of this moral conflict? If you knew God’s reason for allowing this, would you agree with Him? What do you believe He is up to? How does He want you to respond to the disparity? What has He promised? How does Revelation 21:5 inform your mood in regards to the condition of the world in this new year?
Discussion question for January 8, 2021.
The challenges and disruptions of the prior year have required us to adjust our way of thinking. What has been the major cognitive dissonance in your life recently? How has God answered your questions? What new truth have you gained? How will that truth transform your life? Why does God require us to ask for things instead of just giving them to us? What are you compelled to ask Him now?
Discussion question for December 18, 2020.
This past year has been a disruption in every realm, affecting everyone. What have you lost in the past year? How are you honoring the past? What opportunities have opened to you because of the pandemic? How can you respond to the changes? What have you learned about your relationship with God during this period? How do you expect Him to turn all things to good for you? What gives you hope as you look toward the immediate and long-term future?