How do you know what to fight for?

Discussion question for August 20, 2021.

The world is awash with opinions, and there is no shortage of those who demand your agreement. What values do you hold at the “die for” level? What values are “divide for” in your frame of reference? How do you make the determination? Under what circumstances will you down-grade a value or opinion from die for to divide for, or from divide for to decide for? Are you more likely guided by your spirit or soul? Which aspect of your soul is the most likely to take control, your mind, will, or emotions? What safeguards do you have in place to guide you into truth?


Discussion topic for August 13, 2021.

What have you learned about your gifts and call as we discussed and reviewed the chapters of this book? What changes have you entertained in your paradigm and way of thinking? How confident are you in your ability to have the mind of Christ? What topics have left you with more questions than answers?

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Eleven

Discussion for August 6, 2021.

This final chapter encourages you to develop a support network. Take a look at the support in your life and consider what needs to be strengthened. Remember that we are meeting by Zoom from 7:00 – 8:30 (PDT).

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Nine

Discussion question for July 23, 2021.

Read the chapter about transitions and wonder through the action steps regarding the ways God has been directing you through your circumstances and life events. What have you lost, and how do you honor the past? How do you set your mind on God as you anticipate a new beginning? What attitude helps you embrace the future?

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Eight

Discussion topic for July 16, 2021.

Read through chapter eight and do the action steps regarding disruptions in your life. How has God used disruptions to peel away your distractions? How has He used disruption to open doors or create new opportunities for your gifts? What are you doing about disruptions that have not proven any positive purpose in your life? What areas of trimming and pruning have you grown from?

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Seven

Discussion topic for July 9, 2021.

Read Chapter Seven: Sweet Spot and consider your responses to the situations in your life. When do you feel like you are in your sweet spot? What conditions or circumstances are necessary? How would you describe your calling based on your understanding of this sweet spot?


Discussion for July 2, 2021.

Read Chapter Six: God’s Perfect Will and work on the action steps listed. How do you most reliably hear from God regarding His will? What ways have you found to confirm what you are hearing? What reminds you to merge your will with God’s? How well are you stewarding His purpose as it is displayed in the opportunities of your life?

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Five

Discussion for June 25, 2021.

Read Chapter Five, Gifts and Calling. What are your innate gifts? How have you learned to distinguish between your gifts and your talents? What have you learned to do (adaptation or coping strategy) that is outside of God’s intention for you? How do you understand your true character and identity based on what you have learned so far?


Discussion for June 18, 2021.

Read Chapter Four: Core Values. What do you stand for? Where did you get your core values? What values are the strongest guides in your life? How has God influenced you through experiences and heritage?

IRREVOCABLE – Chapter Three

Discussion for June 11, 2021. Note: no Meeting on 6/4/21

Read Chapter Three: Your True Identity. Who do you think you are? Where did you get that idea? Share your discovery of your true character, strengths, and flaws. What has God invested in you to make a difference in the world around you?