How much pain is escapable?
Discussion question for July 8, 2011.
The world experiences pain as a consequence of sin. How much influence do we have over the amount of pain we experience? What does God do in response to requests to be relieved from pain? How can you reconcile chronic pain in the life of a dedicated Christian? What influence has pain played in your life?
Here’s my summary of our discussion.
Pain is from our sin or the sin of others. It is the evidence that we are dying, therefore it is the consequence of sin. God described it to Adam and Eve in that first conversation after the fall. When we experience pain it is a reminder of sin. God does not use pain to punish us for our sin (death plays that role), but He allows it so that we can be disciplined by it. As long as we are on earth, some pain is inescapable. God explained that both salvation and pain would come through child bearing. So, salvation and pain are still linked.
Job and Jesus are alike in how they experienced pain. They were both righteous and suffered pain as the consequence of others. In the case of Jesus it was the consequences of ALL others. God allows pain to come to some undeserving ones so they can bear the burdens of others. To the extent that our pain is generated by the sin of others, our bearing that pain is an act of love. These are examples of trials in which the Christian can take joy.
There is pain associated with our own sin, and there is no glory in suffering for doing wrong. The mercy of God allows the repentant sinner to be forgiven. Once forgiven, any pain or suffering from that sin is allowed by God for discipline and shaping purposes. It is not “caused” by God, but is one of those things that He turns for good (Romans 8:28).
Some pain is escapable by obedience to the law. The pain of betrayal and broken trust does not come on a couple that are obeying the law against committing adultery. Similarly, the pain of a hangover is avoided by the one obeying the law to not get drunk, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. There are a lot more Laws of Health that work in the same way.
God’s will is that we experience no pain, and this was evidenced in the Garden of Eden and is promised in the new heaven and new earth to come. Man’s will trumped God’s will and we chose pain. It came from deception and sin, and now the father of lies blames God for the pain. This is a great injustice.
In summary, we can escape pain by obedience to God’s will and His character as described in the Law. We can escape pain by obedience to the revealed law of health. We can escape pain by being forgiven of sin. We can escape pain when it is in God’s good pleasure to pour out mercy on us. We will escape pain when we are one with God and enter that relationship where there is no more pain or sorrow.