How do we exercise authority over evil?

Discussion question for April 15, 2011.

Temptations and tests come from the evil one, but we have authority to resist.  How do we exercise that authority?  What things can we think, say or do that cause him to flee?  What vulnerabilities can we guard against?  When should we attack, defend, and provide assistance to others?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    Sin opens the door to demonic influence. The door gets closed by forgiveness. If the sin is an offense committed by the person, they must receive forgiveness from God. If the sin is an offense committed against the person by someone else, then they must forgive that person. When the door is shut, the demon can be cast out.

    James 5:16 says that we should confess our sins to each other and pray. In that environment we can work together to cast out the enemy. The authority we use is the same that Jesus gave the disciples (Luke 10). In Matthew 28 He declares that all authority has been given to Him in heaven and earth, which means in physical and spiritual matters. In Acts 1:8 He promises that we will receive that power (authority) with the Holy Spirit.

    Temptation comes from the evil desires in our heart, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. When those things are alive inside us, then temptations can come from the outside and attract us. There is a resonance between the sin harbored in and the evil solution offered from without. We are also tempted in what we suffer, when the enemy offers a short-cut solution or quick fix so that we don’t rely on God to provide a way out. By faith we can claim that God will in fact provide a way (1 Corinthians 10:13).

    Deliverance ministry casts out demons to eliminate an internal influence toward sin. It requires discernment to know when the person is tormented by a demon, and that discernment is available to all believers by request in prayer.

    No matter what, we are to always be on guard against the attack of the enemy. Pray for discernment and keep your guard up.

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