Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

What can we do to help young adults in their Christian formation?

Discussion question for April 10 Our future leaders will be drawn from the pool of young adults, those in their late teens and twenties.  They are in the formative stage in their life, making life-long commitments and establishing their identity. There seems to be a lack of guidance and direction available from our local churches […]

Should a business or organization tithe?

Discussion question for April 3, 2009 Are there commandments that address giving, especially tithing, at a corporate or organizational level?  Does it apply to a business or a church?  Does the legal structure of the organization make a difference?  What commandments or principles apply on a personal level, and do they apply to an organizational […]

How do you know that you know what your passion and purpose are?

Discussion question for March 27, 2009. If your personal ministry comes out of your core identity, then how can you be certain of your purpose?  It is part of your hard-wiring.  It is partly from your experiences and circumstances.  It is part of your values and convictions. From a very practical point of view, how […]

What if your identity and current job description don’t match?

What is your calling, and how do you live in it?