Discussion question for September 18, 2009. What was the offense against God in the Garden of Eden? We have a brief description of the temptation and the following action. Why were Adam and Eve banished from the garden? What are the ramifications of the sin? How can we avoid such choices in our life, today?
Discussion question for September 11, 2009. We are commanded to “pray without ceasing” and “at all times pray in the Spirit”. How can we do this while still living in the “real” world? Does it require multi-tasking to focus on work while praying in the spirit? Are we sometimes released from paying attention to eternal […]
Discussion question for September 4, 2009. Much of our life is defined in the physical realm through the five senses. God is a spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit. What part of your life is focused on the spiritual realm? How do you know something exists or happens if it isn’t experienced through […]
Discussion question for August 28, 2009. As believers, it is our fond desire to grow in relationship with God. There are certain things that get in the way of our hearing from Him. What does the Bible say will get in the way? What have you found in your own life that interrupts the message? […]
Discussion question for August 21, 2009. We agree that Truth is a person – Jesus Christ – and that He guides us in all truth. How do we hear from God? What gives us confidence that the message is coming through, and ungarbled? When are we at risk of being misled, and what can we […]
Discussion question for August 14, 2009. There are many “facts” and “opinions” being used by people around us to form their world view. Not all can be true because often one opinion or ‘fact’ conflicts with another. How can we know what is true? What makes it true? Is there an absolute truth? Just as […]
Discussion question for August 7, 2009. We talked about the difference between individual freedom and community conformity last week. Assuming there are benefits and advantages to living in community, what are they? What should a community (government, church, family, group) take responsibility for? How can this community stay clear from corruption? How does America measure […]
Discussion question for July 31, 2009. We are created in God’s image, but sin causes us to be a poor reflection of Him. Our country has a strong culture of personal independence. Is this a godly trait? What is the balance point between me (individual) and community in my identity and motivations? How can we […]
Discussion question for July 24, 2009 Last week we talked about God’s promise to provide for all of our needs. How should we manage our income, assuming that He has provided accordingly? When are we “striving” instead of “stewarding”, and what tell-tale signs should we watch for? What emotions or situations put our blessedness at […]
Discussion question for July 11, 2009 There are plenty of traditions and customs regarding financial prosperity and the Christian walk. What did you believe about prosperity as you grew up? What core values have you developed regarding money and material possessions? How are you demonstrating those values to others? If we claim the promise that […]