Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

How should we respond to pain?

Discussion question for March 5, 2010. We know people who suffer pain, and sometimes it is chronic pain.  Since each person is responsible for how they respond to pain, what are they to do?  What do you do with physical pain in your body?  How do you respond to emotional pain?  Under what circumstances are […]

What’s the deal about pain and suffering?

Discussion question for February 26, 2010. God is love and all powerful.  How can we resolve this with the matter of pain?  Prophesies about trials, tribulations and suffering come from Jesus and the Apostles.  Pain and suffering is evident all around us.  What can we do about it?  What should we expect?  How can we […]

How can we allow God to test us?

Discussion question for February 19, 2010. Moses tried to encourage the Israelites at Mt. Sinai by saying: “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”  How does God test you?  In what ways does His testing keep you […]

What methods are most effective for you to hear from God?

Discussion question for February 12, 2010. We’ve talked before about the need to hear from God.  What methods do you currently use to help you hear from Him?  How do you filter between your own thoughts and His?  What ways do you trust to confirm what you’ve heard?  What barriers get in the way?

What does God require of us in acts of mercy and social concern?

Discussion question for February 5, 2010. Evangelical church members tend to be conservative in their politics and world view.  From a Christian point of view, how do we navigate between acts of mercy, social concern, socialism, and communism?  How can we fix a balance between being a helping hand and being a dependence-building handout?

What is the difference between faith and trust?

Discussion question for January 29, 2010. The Christian dialect includes familiar words like “trust” and “faith”.  Sometimes they act as nouns and other times as verbs.  That “words have meanings” is true, but also “meanings have words.”  How then do we understand faith and trust?  What do they mean to you?  How do they affect […]

How should we view prophesy?

Discussion question for January 22, 2010. God communicates with mankind through prophesy, as evidenced by significant portions of scripture.  How does God use the prophetic in your life?  What does it mean if someone prophesies over you, or gives you a “word of knowledge”?  How does a divine message affect your life?  How do you […]

Does setting goals preclude the providence of God?

Discussion question for January 15, 2010. We have talked about the importance of following God’s plan and will.  How much effort should we expend on making intentional plans for the future?  How can you walk in the balance between scripting your life and following God’s script for your life?  What determines your appropriate  response to […]

How now shall we live – 2010?

Discussion question for January 8, 2010. No Meeting on 12/25 or 1/1. At the beginning of a new year and decade, it is appropriate to wonder how we should live.  What choices are you making about your goals and plans for the coming year?  How do you build confidence that your dreams and desires match […]

How should we address soul ties?

Discussion question for December 18, 2009. A “soul tie” is a bonding together of two souls such as a husband and wife in marriage.  What is God’s purpose for creating us with the capacity to be bonded together with another soul?  How can we maximize this in our “one-flesh” relationship?  What can we do to […]