Discussion question for May 21, 2010. Man is destined to die (Genesis 3:19; Hebrews 9:27). What do you believe to be true about the death of a Christian? Some types of death are assumed to be consequences of sinful behavior and other types consequences of a sinful world. What do you expect about aging? What […]
Discussion question for May 14, 2010. Sin can be a noun or a verb, and as a verb is often defined as “to miss the mark”. What do you understand the nature of sin to be? How does that relate to actions, thoughts, temptations and motives? When does a thought change from being a temptation […]
Discussion question for May 7, 2010. Do you treat Jesus as your Savior? Do you treat Jesus as you Lord? What is the difference? How do you understand “regeneration”? How about “justification”? How about “sanctification”? How does your understanding of these terms and concepts affect the way you live?
Discussion question for April 30, 2010. When we are redeemed, God makes a change in our life. We go from sinner to forgiven – yet we continually sin. How is your life a testimony to the change God has made in your life? What message are you sending to others, whether saved or unsaved? Is […]
Discussion question for April 23, 2010. Opinionated discussion, sometimes called argument, can polarize or solidify relationships. What can you do to create the right “heart attitude” when you disagree with another person? What role does apologetics play in your everyday life? How can you establish godly goals for these exchanges of ideologies?
Discussion question for April 16, 2010. This past week paleontologists announced a new discovery of hominids (human-like creatures) in South Africa that they claim to be the “missing link” between apes and human beings. How should a Christian respond to this news? What does it do to your faith and beliefs? Scientists say that these […]
Discussion question for April 9, 2010. The historical books of the Bible follow the Israelite people, from family to clan to nation. The prophetic books of the Bible warn about mistreating “God’s people”. Who were those people in the Bible? Where are they today? Are we called to side with any group in the turmoil […]
Discussion question for April 2, 2010. Environmentalism can describe concern for the environment, and conservationism may be similar. How should we respond as Christians? What does God request or require of us in managing this planet? How do our decisions impact our present and future expectations? What should this look like in our everyday lives?
Discussion question for March 26, 2010. There is a lot of discussion recently about global warming, and the extent of influence man has on it. Are some natural disasters caused by man? What role does God play in earthquakes, famine, tsunamis, floods, storms and such? What power does the devil have over our physical environment? […]
Discussion question for March 19, 2010. No meeting on March 12. How does authority work in the spiritual realm? How do authority and free will interact? Where does authority come from? What does it mean to you and I about how we live?