Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

How do you know your forgiving is complete?

Discussion question for July 29, 2011. You can forgive someone for an offense but not an event, and forgiving is a process that continues as offenses come to mind related to the original event.  What indicators accompany completed forgiveness?  How is trust restored, and is it necessary?  What signals can remind you that the process […]

What will the Judgment Day be like?

Discussion question for July 22, 2011. There are many references in the Bible to a day of judgment.  What do you imagine that will be like for a Christian?  How will people be tested and tried, judged and sentenced?  What will be remembered or forgotten?  How will forgiven sins be treated?  Bonus question (if there […]

How can we be warriors for God?

Discussion question for July 15, 2011. Many of the Psalms were written by King David, a man after God’s own heart and a warrior.  What can we learn about the role of warrior from his writing?  Why does God enlist warriors?  How do you know you are invited to do battle or enter a skirmish?  […]

How much pain is escapable?

Discussion question for July 8, 2011. The world experiences pain as a consequence of sin.  How much influence do we have over the amount of pain we experience?  What does God do in response to requests to be relieved from pain?  How can you reconcile chronic pain in the life of a dedicated Christian?  What […]

What should be our personal perspective of death?

Discussion question for July 1, 2011. We know that physical death is the consequence of sin, and that spiritual death separates us from God.  As Christians, how should we understand death?  What attitude should we have for ourselves and on behalf of others regarding physical death?  How do we overcome the fear of death (Hebrews […]

Why is death such an important part of covenant?

Discussion question for June 24, 2011. We discussed the difference between contracts and covenants, and how a covenant is based on God’s character.  Why is death such an important part of His covenants?  Why are sacrifices necessary?  How does God’s character of life play into this balance?  How do you deal with the death issue?

What is a covenant?

Discussion question for June 10, 2011. We talked a few weeks ago about the Old and New Covenants, and how they impact our life and relationship with God.  What exactly is a covenant, from God’s point of view?  What key components are required for a covenant to be binding?  What clauses and conditions are implied […]

What about divorce among Christians?

Discussion question for June 3, 2011. Are there situations or conditions under which Christian couples are permitted to divorce?  What impact does divorce have on righteousness?  What impact does divorce play on a Christian regarding remarriage?  How would you encourage a fellow believer that is considering divorce?

How are we living in the old and new covenant?

Discussion question for May 27, 2011. The old covenant is represented by the Mosaic law and taught in the Old Testament.  The new covenant was made through the life of Jesus and taught in the New Testament.  How has the believer’s relationship with God changed because of the new covenant?  What remaining impact is there […]

What is at the root of disease?

Discussion question for May 20, 2011. Are diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, the result of things in the physical realm, the emotional realm, or the spiritual realm?  How do you address disease in your life, based on this understanding?  What can you do to help someone that is struggling with disease?