Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

What is the state of the church today?

Discussion question for February 10, 2012. The organized church, whether local congregation or denomination, has its own identity.  What has it become?  In what ways does it look or act differently than before?  How do you benefit from belonging to a church body?  What do you find lacking that you believe should come from congregational […]

How do you create a team of trusted advisers?

Discussion question for February 3, 2012. It is important to have people you trust that can speak into your life and offer confirmation to what you hear from the Lord.   Where can you begin your search for qualified advisers? What key characteristics are you looking for?  How should you go about inviting someone to the […]

Life Stages Case Studies

Discussion question for January 27, 2012. We will review the material about life stages and discuss how the failure signs can help someone discover what they need for maturity.  These notes and observations are intended to help each person renew their mind by pointing to areas they need growth.  It is not intended to be […]

Review of the Life Model – stages of maturing.

Discussion topic for January 20, 2011.  Note: No meeting on Friday, January 13. The Life Model was written by E James Wilder and others to teach about the essentials of Christian living.  We will review their work about the stages of development: infant, child, adult, parent, and elder.

What are the defining characteristics of real manhood?

Discussion question for January 6, 2012  Note: No meeting on December 30, 2011. You may have seen bumper stickers with “real men” messages, such as “Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche”, but what does it take to be a real man?  How do real men respond to crises? What do real men think of themselves?

What is the difference between praying for healing and healing prayer?

Discussion question for December 23, 2011. It was reported that a group of Christians endorsed praying for healing, but that healing prayer inappropriately crossed a line.  What might cause a Christian to shy away from healing prayer?  What do you understand healing prayer to be?  How do you pray for healing, for yourself or others?

How can you know you are trusting God?

Discussion question for December 16, 2011. We discussed the role of responsibility and the freedom of ch0ice that God has given to each person.  We were created to be in relationship with Him, and to trust Him for the things that are outside of our control.  What can you point to in your life that […]

What does the Bible teach us about liberty and responsibility?

Discussion question for December 9, 2011. There seems to be a growing division in the United States between government systems that take responsibility versus one that gives responsibility.  What do you see as the cost of liberty?  What value or characteristic does it provide or enhance? How does it impact a person’s ability to reflect […]

What are the schemes of the spirit of mammon?

Discussion question for December 2, 2011.   Note: No meeting on November 25. We learned that money and mammon are not synonyms, but that there is an evil spirit of mammon that controls worldly riches.  What are the symptoms of this spirit of mammon at work?  How does he tempt people?  What tools does he use […]

How shrewd can we be with worldly wealth?

Discussion question for November 18, 2011.  – Note: No meeting on November 11, 2011. Jesus spoke in a parable about shrewdness and worldly wealth (Luke 16:1-9).  What point was He making in that teaching?  In what ways are shrewdness encouraged or despised?  How are these truths evident in your life?