Discussion question for January 3, 2014. Note: No meeting on December 27, 2013. The account of Job describes a significant role taken by satan in afflicting him in health and other trials. Are there other accounts that inform us about the role of the devil in our lives? If God is good and satan is […]
Discussion question for December 20, 2013. “Visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation…” How do you recognize a generational curse? What symptoms or signals are consistent between various curses? How are these curses broken? What generational curse(s) have you discovered in your life?
Discussion question for December 13, 2013. Francis Chan challenges all Christians to aggressively do something about poverty. How much does God want you to give? How do you measure your obedience to His command? What responsibility do you feel for stewarding gifts, after they have been given? What do you feel about discrepancies in apparent […]
Discussion question for December 6, 2013. Note: no meeting on Friday the 22nd or 29th. Hebrews 12 has quite a bit to say about discipline. How do you know when you are being disciplined for correction or as a rebuke? What indicates to you that a time of discipline is not for disobedience but to […]
Discussion question for November 8, 2013. Note: no meeting on November 1. Romans 7 describes the condition a man can find himself in where his mind (head) desires one thing but his body (heart) does another. It is as if the head and heart are in conflict with each other. What does it take to […]
Discussion question for October 25, 2013. Religion is defined by a code of behavior and / or beliefs, and tempts a person toward a performance based interaction with the Divine. How would you describe your current relationship with Jesus? How do your actions support your beliefs? What motives have you discovered lurking within you? What […]
Discussion question for October 11, 2013. We talked about how God has emotional reactions to circumstances, such as the pre-flood condition of man. What role does emotion play in morality? How does emotional control or manipulation affect ones moral compass? What causes an emotional response? What does any emotional response reveal about the condition of […]
Discussion question for September 27, 2013. The Bible records that God “repented” or “regretted” that He made man (Genesis 6:6). How do you reconcile this emotional response to God’s sovereignty? How could God be disappointed by an outcome if He already knew it would happen? How does this glimpse into God’s feelings influence your understanding […]
Discussion question for September 20, 2013. The tools and techniques that enlarge ones spirit are often described as spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, Bible study, journalling, meditation, and the like. What is your primary motive for engaging in any of these disciplines? How do you avoid the “performance mentality” of them? What attitude(s) have you […]
Discussion question for September 13, 2013. NOTE: No meeting August 30 or September 6. Your soul (mind, will and emotions) was designed to be in communion with the Holy Spirit through your spirit. How have you nurtured your soul in the past? What happens when your soul and spirit are disconnected? How can you be […]