Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

What can be done for the man with an orphan mentality?

Discussion question for April 11, 2014. An orphan mentality affects people that feel abandoned and didn’t receive proper nurture while growing up.  How do they express their belief that they must provide for themselves?  How do they express their belief that they must protect themselves?  What other symptoms indicate that a person feels like an […]

What do you believe about speaking in tongues?

Discussion question for April 4, 2014. The Holy Spirit came in a demonstration of power on Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2, and it was a sign of salvation among Jew and Gentile during the early church.  What is the role of tongues today?  Can a person speak in tongues without being a Christian?  Can […]

How should we present the gospel?

Discussion question for March 21, 2014. Some damage to the understanding of relationship with God can be traced to revivals that use self-preservation from the fear of hell as motivation to “be saved.”  How then should we present the gospel?  What is the source of the “power of the gospel” as referenced in Romans 1:16?  […]

What’s the deal with predestination?

Discussion question for March 14, 2014. Since sharing about how we were saved, certain patterns emerged.  God does the calling and drawing, Jesus paid the price, the Holy Spirit does the wooing, and we choose to accept.  Can someone lose their salvation?  How can someone reject the Triune God?  How do you reconcile the doctrines […]

How did you become saved?

Discussion question for March 7, 2014. We are finishing up telling the story of how we became saved.  Listen to the ways others were saved.  What are the common themes in these testimonies?  How do the stories influence your understanding of “core beliefs?”  How have these stories impacted your ideas about evangelism?

What are the core beliefs of faith?

Discussion question for February 14, 2014.  Note: no meeting on 2/7/14 due to snow and travel advisory. There are tenets of faith that come directly from the Bible, and others that come from tradition or inspiration.  Some points have divided denominations or created schisms within them.  What are the essential tenets of faith for a […]

What is heaven like?

Discussion question for January 31, 2014. There are some parts of the Bible that describe heaven, such as in the book of Revelation.  There are also traditional beliefs about heaven gathered from near-death-experiences, visions and imaginations.  What can we know about heaven?  How do you envision the spiritual and eternal realm?  What difference does this […]

How do we know we’re hearing the Holy Spirit?

Discussion question for January 24, 2014. Confusion can happen when the evil one tries to tempt us or we rationalize or justify with our own mind.  What distinguishing characteristics do you use to know a message you hear is from God?  What has helped you improve your hearing?  How have you built confidence in His […]

What specific things can you do to bless the next generation?

Discussion question for January 17, 2014 We’ve talked in the past about generational curses and the inheritance of blessing your children and your children’s children.  What do you do to bless them?  How have you seen it change their lives?  How would you encourage others, such as your spouse, to be one that blesses?  How […]

How can we improve our vision?

Discussion question for January 10, 2014. We see obvious things in the physical realm in the present tense.  How can we see better in the future and past tenses?  What would help you see truth as God sees it?  How can you gain understanding of the happenings in the spiritual realm?  What will change in […]