Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

How do you set appropriate boundaries and limits?

Discussion question for July 11, 2014.  Note: No meeting on July 4 Boundaries define what you are willing to tolerate from others.  Limits define the standard you apply to yourself.  What criteria do you use for setting personal limits?  What criteria do you use for setting boundaries with strangers, co-workers, friends, and family?  How can […]

What would you change about your life?

Discussion question for June 27, 2014. If there is one thing you could change about your life, what would it be?  What is required for you to overcome a barrier or weakness?  How can you improve your identity in Christ?  What do you do to grow in spiritual maturity?

How do you pray a blessing over someone?

Discussion question for June 20, 2014. The best demonstration of love can be a quick prayer for someone in need.  What are the ingredients in a good prayer of blessing?  When have you experienced God’s love through the prayer of another person?  What can you do to stay “prayed up” so that you are always […]

How can you bring God into your business?

Discussion question for June 12, 2014. As Christians we let our light shine for Jesus, but some environments are more friendly for that than others.  What limitations do you feel toward sharing the gospel where you work?  Do people know you are a Christian? What legal issues influence your ability?  Have you ever experienced a […]

What do you believe about alternative medicine?

Discussion question for June 6, 2014.  Note: No meeting on May 30, 2014. A friend related a story about a man that had been healed from pancreatic cancer by a witch doctor in Africa.  How do you account for such amazing results?  What is God’s role in that healing?  Acupuncture, herb and nutrient therapies, and […]

How does prophecy affect your spiritual life?

Discussion question for May 16, 2014. Prophecy can be predictive and confirming, it can foretell and “forth-tell”.   What has been your personal experience with prophecy?  What is your attitude toward it?  Have you been used to prophesy?  How would you describe the spiritual gift of prophecy?

What does the end of the world mean to you?

Discussion question for May 9, 2014. Recent theories about “4 blood moons” and other apocalyptic signs have been in the news recently.  What do the end-times prophecies mean to you?  How would your life change if you knew when Jesus will return?  Why did God create stars as signs on the fourth day?  How do […]

How do you stay the course?

Discussion question for May 2, 2014. Many of the Israelite kings started out strongly in their devotion to God and righteous acts, but then failed in later years.  What can you learn about human nature by these examples?  What risks do you recognize inside yourself that could lead to similar results?  What becomes of a […]

What value do you put on grace?

Discussion question for April 25, 2014. Mark Driscoll taught that Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD, and the comments on the internet took him to task about undervaluing the righteousness of Noah.  How important to his righteousness was Noah’s performance?  What is the balance between mercy and justice in your relationship with […]

Good Friday Dawn Service

Schedule for April 18, 2014. We will be having a dawn worship service for Good Friday from 6:00 to 7:00.  Instead of a discussion question, join us upstairs for worship, message and prayer.