Discussion question for September 19, 2014. One of the most frequent questions I hear in the prayer room is comes from a person’s need for an identity. Who do you believe you are? Who does God say that you are? How do you reconcile any potential differences between these two? What was your path to […]
Discussion question for September 12, 2014. All truth is precious, and God-given for a reason. How do you activate the truth in your life? How do you steward the truth? Under what conditions are you willing to share the truth? Share one example of speaking truth that God gave to you.
Discussion question for September 5, 2014. God speaks through prayer and in many other ways to bring us into Truth. How do you know the Truth? What builds your confidence in the message of God? How do you act on what He says? What would you like to see changed in your life to align […]
Discussion question for August 29, 2014. One of the characteristics of experiencing the presence of God is open communication with Him. When have you felt an open prayer channel? How did it affect your prayer in that moment? What is the normal outcome for this kind of prayer in your life? How can you encourage […]
Discussion question for August 22, 2014. God made Himself known in the physical realm to the Israelites through the cloud, fire, water and food. How has God revealed Himself to you? What are some ways you have felt the presence of God? How did you know it was Him? What do you do to invite […]
Discussion question for August 15, 2014. We talked about the stages in the life of faith, and how recognition of God gives way to Discipleship, which then leads to Production. How does your performance play into God’s acceptance of you? When have you felt accepted by Him? How would you communicate this with a non-believer […]
Discussion question for August 8, 2014. Hagberg and Guelich’s book The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith describes six stages of relationship with God. Recognition, Discipleship, Production, Journey Inward, Journey Outward, and Life of Love. What stage do you find yourself in? How do you recognize that stage? What is necessary for you […]
Discussion topic for August 1, 2014. Every relationship is built on interaction between two people. How do you see your role in the relationship with God? What does His sovereignty mean to you? How does your free will influence it? What is your best example or illustration of how man and God can be interrelated?
Discussion question for July 25, 2014. The church has gone through some drastic changes since Christ, and some are predicting that it is due for another overhaul. What will become of the hard-earned changes of the Reformation? What are today’s equivalent of indulgences and traditions that will be overthrown? How do you assess the power […]
Discussion question for July 18, 2014. You may have heard it said that “my greatest strength is my greatest weakness.” What makes something a weakness? What makes it a strength? How can something acting as a weakness to you be changed? What is one weakness you have that you would be willing to exchange?