Discussion question for March 27, 2015. Satan has some authority to cause illness, disease, and general havoc. What do you see as the boundary of his authority? Why doesn’t God just shut him down? What is your comfort about ultimate authority based on these findings?
Discussion question for March 20, 2015. We confess and believe that God is all powerful. Where does the devil get his authority? Why does God put up with him? Where have you seen God rein in the devil’s power? What is your comfort about ultimate authority based on these findings? How do you keep yourself […]
Discussion question for March 13, 2015. Note: No meeting on March 5. God took the descendants of Abraham and changed them from a family to a clan to a people and then a nation. What core ingredients did God use to manage this cultural development? How does He continue to protect holiness? What impact does […]
Discussion question for February 27, 2015. Paul says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). What does it mean to be yoked? What is the harm or inherent risk in it? How does your understanding of this influence your disciple making tasks? Where are you investing for the gospel?
Discussion question for February 20, 2015. Conflicting core values and and lifestyles can interrupt community. What is one thing that acts as a barrier to fellowship with you? How do barriers keep you from relationship with God? What can you do to remove any barriers?
Discussion question for February 13, 2015. Sometimes the core values of one person stand in stark contrast to the core values of another. How do these conflicts in values shape a culture? How do you continue to live in community with different core values? What changes are you called to make to accommodate the values […]
Discussion question for February 6, 2015. We are devoted to whatever we consider valuable in our life. What are some of your core values? How did they become important to you? How do your values compare to the values of others? Under what circumstances would you change a core value?
Discussion question for January 30, 2015. We know very little about the early years of Jesus, except the description of His birth, a snapshot at age twelve, and then He is introduced as an adult in His ministry. What did Jesus do on earth as Son of God? What did He do as Son of […]
Discussion question for January 23, 2015. We talked about the purpose of pain as we take up the cross of Christ. How is suffering similar or dissimilar to pain? What does it mean to suffer as a soldier (2 Timothy 2:3)? How do you relate to examples of suffering (James 5:9-11)? When have you suffered […]
Discussion question for January 16, 2015. The first Biblical mention of pain is in the description of the curse of sin (Genesis 3). How do you explain the association between pain and sin? What relief is there for mankind? What relief is there specifically for children of God? Is pain ever good? What practical advice […]