Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

What did Paul mean that women should keep silent?

Discussion question for September 18, 2015.  Note: No meeting on September 11. In 1 Corinthians 14:34 Paul writes that women should keep silent in the churches.  What is the concern that Paul is addressing in that letter?  How does this instruction apply to the church today?  What does this say about a relationship between husband […]

What can we know about salvation?

Discussion question for September 4, 2015. The only Ultimate Judge is God, and by faith we accept that He makes no mistakes about granting salvation.  How certain can we be about a person’s salvation?  How certain can one be about his own salvation?  What about a person that commits suicide?  What about a back-slider?  What […]

What are God’s intentions for you?

Discussion question for August 28, 2015. There is every reason to believe that God has a specific will for you and your life.  What evidence have you seen of this in your life?  What confidence do you have that He has kind intentions?  How do you resolve bad experiences with good intentions?  What words of […]

What do you find hard to forgive?

Discussion question for August 21, 2015. We can learn a lot about our values and biases by observing the things that are difficult to forgive in others.  What area of offense has been tough for you to release?  How does your sensitivity in that area inform you about your core values?  What must happen for […]

What happens after forgiveness?

Discussion question for August 14, 2015. The promise is that when we confess our sin, Jesus forgives our sin and cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  After we confess and are forgiven, what should we do?  Are there actions required?  Are there actions recommended?  What transforms a person’s identity in the process of […]

Are you working for God or with Him?

Discussion question for August 7, 2015. What is the difference between doing something for a person versus doing something with them?  What experiences have you had with either way of being?  How does the answer to this question affect your relationship with that person?  What does your relationship with God look like?  In what ways […]

How should you live in a Post-Christian world?

Discussion question for July 31, 2015. What are the diagnostic characteristics of a Post-Christian world?  How does this impact your life?  What attitudes and actions should you take as a Christian?  Where do you anticipate the greatest culture clash?  How do you encourage your Christian and non-Christian friends?

What are the steps toward emotional maturity?

Discussion question for July 24, 2015. Physical maturity happens with age, but emotional maturity can get stuck.  What are the characteristics of emotional infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and elder?  How would you characterize your stage of emotional development? Where have you been stuck? What can you do to gain maturity?

What is love?

Discussion question for July 17, 2015. Paul writes in Ephesians 5 that a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church.  What are some practical ways that this is done?  What affect does this expression of love have on a marriage?  How does it affect children and bystanders?  What situation or condition […]

What is atonement?

Discussion question for July 10, 2015.  Note: No meeting on June 26 or July 3. Doctrinal statements declare that Jesus made atonement for our sin.  What exactly does atonement mean from the perspective of justice?  How is an act of atonement determined?  What is meant by John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul in their […]