Discussion question for March 18, 2016. God allows us to choose, and sometimes the way ahead must be taken strictly on faith. How do you define a faith challenge? What was the last faith challenge you faced? How did you respond to it? How have you seen your relationship with God change based on your […]
Discussion question for March 11, 2016. Matthew 7:22-23 contains the dire warning by Jesus: “I never knew you, depart from me you evildoers.” What does it mean for Jesus to know you? What kind of relationship do you want to have with Him? What things are required for that to become true? A definition of […]
Discussion question for March 4, 2016. We determined that a key point about receiving the Holy Spirit is our act of surrender. Our spirits are in sync with the Holy Spirit, but our minds have one foot in the body and one in the spirit. What can we do to get agreement? How do we […]
Discussion question for February 26, 2016. Note: No meeting on February 19. Our discussion about having the mind of Christ included the need to be guided by the Holy Spirit. What has been your experience in receiving the Holy Spirit? What helps you listen to Him? What stands in the way of your communication with […]
Discussion question for February 12, 2016. Note: No meeting on February 5. 1 Corinthians 2:16 states that we have the mind of Christ. How do we get the mind of Christ? What does He think about? What does that mean to our daily lives and grand plans for our future? What is one tip you […]
Discussion question for January 29, 2016. Note: No meeting on January 22. Paul told the Thessalonians not to despise prophesies but to test everything and hold fast what is good. How do you test your thoughts? What about doubts and fears? Where is your confidence in knowing truth? Consider these scriptures: Philippians 1:9-10, Romans 12:2, […]
Discussion question for January 15, 2016. You have heard me say that trust cannot be earned, it must be granted. How does a person’s ability to trust affect his relationship with God? How does one go about establishing trust in a relationship? Under what conditions would one person grant trust to another? What can be […]
Discussion question for January 8, 2016. Note: No meeting on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. The person that thinks like an orphan believes there is no one to protect or provide for him. When have you witnessed an orphan mentality? What are the inherent problems associated with this way of believing? What are the […]
Discussion question for December 18, 2015. There is no shortage of bad news and terrifying information accosting us every day. How can a person maintain a positive perspective in the face of all this adversity? What is the difference between “taking a thought captive” versus ignoring information by being in denial? How do you overcome […]
Discussion question for December 11, 2015. We shared things we are thankful for, and understood the balance between conflict and comfort as described in 2 Corinthians 1:4-6. What significant things have you done to express gratitude? What habits have you embraced to increase thankfulness? What would you recommend to a younger believer to instill an […]