Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

What guides the proactive Christian?

Discussion question for June 30, 2017. There is a dynamic balance between waiting on the Lord and pressing ahead.  In 1 Samuel 13 we read about Saul offering sacrifices and losing his kingdom because he rushed ahead of God.  In 1 Samuel 14 we read about Jonathan pushing ahead of the army to take a […]

How is it possible that someone backslide?

Discussion question for June 23, 2017.  Note: No meeting on June 16. Charles Templeton was a powerful ally of Billy Graham, but turned his back on God.  How can someone experience His love and then turn away?  What do you believe about backsliding based on Romans 8:38-39?  How about Hebrews 6:4-6? How sure is your […]

What does it mean that God is omniscient?

Discussion question for June 9, 2017.  Note: No meeting on May 26 or June 2. God knows everything, and nothing escapes His notice.  How does that influence the way He controls things?  What impact does that have on free will?  How did Jesus model how to do life with knowledge and power?  What was His […]

Can we sin in heaven?

Discussion question for May 19, 2017. There are many illustrations and word pictures of heaven that indicate it is a place where there is no sin.  What does it mean that we will be “done with sin” since we have crucified the sin nature?  How do you understand the nature of the heavenly places before […]

How do you understand generational curses and blessings?

Discussion question for May 12, 2017.  Note: No meeting on March 28 or May 5. God describes generational curses in Exodus 20:5, that the iniquities are visited upon the third and fourth generation.  What spiritual laws do you understand that allow this to happen?  How do you resolve this compared to Jeremiah 31:30 where it […]

How does God view the differences between man and woman?

Discussion question for April 21, 2017.  Note: Dawn Service for Good Friday, April 14 at 6 AM. Was Paul a misogynist?  In 1 Timothy 2:12 he says he doesn’t allow a woman to teach.  In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 he doesn’t allow them to speak.  Are these Christian attitudes we can embrace in the 21st Century?  […]

What about the second coming?

Discussion question for April 7, 2017. In 1 Peter 4:7 we read “The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.”  Why were the apostles so insistent that the end was at hand?  What did Jesus say about His return? How do you explain the […]

How well are you living the victorious life?

Discussion question for March 31, 2017. Last week we discussed the paradox of healing versus suffering, and agreed that God has principles based on His character and particulars based on individuals.  How actively do you pursue the promises of God regarding long life, blessings, and freedom from diseases?  What is the basis for your faith […]

What should Christians expect about suffering?

Discussion question for March 24, 2017. Jesus was prophetically introduced as the Man of Sorrow, and in His life was suffering.  When is suffering godly?  How do you solve the paradox between the suffering servant and the exalted son? What does 1 Peter 4:1-2 mean to you? Where do healing and prosperity find their borders?  […]

How do you activate your faith?

Discussion question for March 17, 2017. We talked about the Eucharist as a sacrament that reminds us of the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice and demonstration of love.  How does that realization stoke up your faith?  What other activities do you use to increase your faith?  How would you demonstrate your faith to another person?  What […]