Archive for the ‘Questions for discussion’ Category

How do we test our character traits?

Discussion question for February 2, 2018. We discovered the connection between our personality and the authority from which we seek affirmation.  How do you know a personality trait or quirk is good?  What indicates to you that you are presenting yourself in an affectation?  Who influences your identity?  Under what conditions does your personality “change”?  […]

How do you know who God made you to be?

Discussion question for January 26, 2018. There are a multitude of problems that arise when we are living an identity that is in conflict with who God created us to be.  What are the foundational aspects of an identity?  How have you described yourself to others?  What are true character traits, and how do you […]

How well do you understand your emotions?

Discussion question for January 19, 2018. We have talked often about emotional maturity, and how a delay in development in the emotional realm can affect a person’s identity.  Are you able to effectively communicate your feelings?  When are you most likely at a loss for words for the emotional realm?  What happens when you identify […]

Is truth reasonable?

Discussion question for January 12, 2018.  Note: No meetings during Christmas break. We have agreed that truth is not a concept, but a person: Jesus Christ.  How would you answer Pilate’s question of what is truth?  What powers your convictions?  Where does reason fit in with truth?  What are the differences between faith and reason?  […]

How do you know your cause is true?

Discussion question for December 15, 2017. We have talked about a cause, or calling, that has eternal impact.  How do you know you are fighting for the right thing?  How do you respond to people with good intentions that ardently support a cause that seems frivolous or  disgusting to you?  How are your opinions different […]

How much of what you are doing is eternal?

Discussion question for December 8, 2017. In our discussion of succession planning we realized that some of what we do is temporal but there may be an aspect that has eternal implications.  How do you define your calling or purpose?  What are you stewarding that belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven?  What do you want […]

What are your strategies for succession planning?

Discussion question for December 1, 2017. We recently reviewed the fact that the blessings we receive are not for our consumption, but to be stewarded for the Kingdom of God.  How are you stewarding your calling?  What are you doing to fulfill the purpose God set out for you?  How will you duplicate yourself in […]

Thanksgiving Dawn Service

Join us, with other members of Vancouver Pillar Church, for a Thanksgiving Dawn Service on Friday, November 17.  We will begin at 6:00 AM with a short time of worship, have a message regarding thankfulness, and then enter a time of united prayer.  We are usually done by 7:00 or a little before.

How are we to handle our blessings?

Discussion question for November 10, 2017. Jesus described the people that are blessed when He taught the Beatitudes.  How are you experiencing the blessing?  What has qualified you for being blessed?  How does your response reflect the condition of your heart?  What recommendations do you have for others that are blessed?

Are you in for a woe?

Discussion question for October 27, 2017. There are four woes in Luke 6:24-27: woe to the rich, woe to the full, woe to the happy, and woe to those spoken well of.  What did Jesus mean by these warnings?  In what ways are you at risk?  What can you do to arrange your life to […]