Discussion question for August 17, 2018. Those who are led by the Spirit are adopted as sons of God (Rom. 8:14), but adoptees may struggle with bonding. How would you describe a bonded relationship? With whom have you bonded easily? Which of your relationships have struggled in bonding? How has your former orphan mentality impeded […]
Discussion question for August 10, 2018. According to Romans 8:14-17 we are adopted sons of God. How did you become adopted? Describe your current relationship with your Heavenly Father. What are the requirements for being an heir? What are the advantages? How does your life reflect this spiritual truth?
Discussion question for July 27, 2018. The anointing of the Holy Spirit equips the Christian for each of the offices of the Kingdom: Prophet, Priest, and King. How are you expressing your role as Prophet? For whom are you engaged as Priest? What does it mean that you are a King?
Discussion question for July 20, 2018. Note: No meeting on July 13. We need to discuss the practical response to the question of spiritual nourishment. When do you read, study, meditate, and apply the truths of the Bible? What is your primary means of motivation for digging into God’s ways? What is your main purpose […]
Discussion question for July 6, 2018. Hebrews 5:13-14 makes a distinction between the mature and immature believer based on their ability to “feed themselves.” How dependent are you on skilled teachers to gain spiritual understanding? What contributes to the condition of Christians that live on “milk rather than solid food?” What is your training regimen […]
Discussion question for June 29, 2018. We talked about the importance of prayer, time management, and attention management to invest in our relationship with God. How satisfied are you with your relational quotient (RQ)? What are the barriers you have to overcome to spend more time with God? How do you set your heart and […]
Discussion question for June 22, 2018. Note: No meeting on June 15. The world around us demands more and more in productivity and expectations. What are your tools for holding a healthy balance in your relationship with God and others? How do you establish goals and boundaries in your work life? How would you describe […]
Discussion question for June 8, 2018. We talked about the benefit of getting away from distractions and nearer God through creation to help hear from Him. What does His message to you mean for the world around you? What has He asked you to do in response to His words? How do you share what […]
Discussion question for June 1, 2018. In order to hear from God we have to listen to Him. What is your favorite way to spend time with God? How do you focus your attention on Him? What is your benefit when you connect with others? What must you do to become more relational?
Discussion question for May 25, 2018. We have been pondering and praying about personal purpose statements. How do you most confidently hear from God? What tools have you used to verify His words? How does scripture speak to you? What other methods of communication does God use with you?