Discussion question for March 1, 2019. Jesus offers us rest in Matthew 11:28-30, and God has offered us rest as recalled in Hebrews 3 and 4. What do you understand the rest of “enter My rest” to be? How does that rest compare to the “I will give you rest” offered by Jesus? How can […]
Discussion question for February 22, 2019. Last week we agreed that the key ingredient to suffer well is to have complete confidence in God. How much confidence do you place in God right now? Describe your relationship with God with some examples of how it functions. When it comes to desires, such as healing or […]
Discussion question for February 15, 2019. We are instructed by the Apostles to not be surprised by suffering, but to expect conflict and suffering to come. How do you reconcile suffering with a promise that “by His stripes we are healed?” What characteristics are evident in the person who suffers well? How does your reaction […]
Discussion question for January 18, 2019. It requires a certain level of emotional maturity to be more interested in the impact you have on others than the image you portray. What would cause someone to be fixated on their image? What must happen before he can release the importance of his image compared to the […]
Discussion question for December 14, 2018. We talked about the need to receive and share bonds of peace. Where do you get your peace from? What threatens your peace? What can you do about those threats? How do you encourage peace in others? Why does peace seem to flourish in some people while being absent […]
Discussion question for December 7, 2018. A mature person is able to bring peace into their interactions with others. How strong is your ability to bring peace? What is your source of peace? When have you felt it effectively transferred to others? What has gotten in the way of your ability to transfer a bond […]
Discussion question for November 30, 2018. There must be a balance of influence in a person’s life that takes into consideration all the stages of development. How are you doing as a spiritual father? How readily do you “adopt” new spiritual children? What tools are effective to help you care for those children? How are […]
No Meeting on Friday, November 23.
Special announcement: There will be a dawn service from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM on Friday the 16th. Join us for a time of worship, a message, and a time of corporate prayer.
Discussion question for November 9, 2018. God has a purpose for your life, and invites you to participate in what He is up to. What do you believe is your next assignment from Him? How do you discover His will? What are you doing to fulfill His will? How do you encourage other believers in […]