How do we enlighten the eyes of our heart?

Discussion question for March 18, 2011.

Paul writes an incredible benediction in Ephesians 1:15-19 that expresses his purpose in prayer for the saints.  What do you think he means by “the eyes of your heart?”  How can they be enlightened?  What changes would be apparent in your life if this enlightening were to take place?  Where does it come from? What do you believe it will do for you or to you?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    The eyes of the heart see things in the spiritual realm, in contrast to the eyes that see things in the physical realm. In this way we realize that these eyes “know” instead of “see.” The letter to the Ephesians begins with this spiritual picture of who we are in Christ, and ends in chapter 6 with a description of spiritual warfare. In between are four chapters of very practical advice and instruction for living in the physical realm.

    Enlightenment comes from God, and He is the one that gives vision and understanding. We are encouraged through this Scripture to consider our spiritual nature from God’s perspective. This enables us to see things the way God sees them, rather than simply interpreting them through our physical experiences.

    A hardened heart is one that has no eyes to see the truth. Realizing truth does not come from the power of observation, but the assurance of knowledge. This is the difference between knowing as in the Sunday School answer, and knowing as in the conviction of your heart.

    There is spiritual wisdom and revelation that comes from God because the eyes of our heart have been enlightened. This leads to understanding of the “hope of His calling” which is the invitation to be in true relationship with Him. Part of that relationship is defined by the unique purpose He has designed you for, which also becomes known through this enlightenment.

    The last part of the highlighted Scripture describes the outcome of knowing: His power and strength. Whether we are believing in miracles and healing, or worshiping His omnipotence, our faith is made possible by the understanding He has placed in our heart.

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