How do we live in a Kingdom economy?
Discussion question for January 21, 2011.
There is fear in the world economy that change is imminent, and that it will be bad. Inflation, deficits, wars, foreclosures, health care, and social reforms all compete for attention. What are your concerns for the future on a macro (global) and micro (personal) level? How does the world economy differ from Kingdom economy? How do you measure wealth, sustenance, safety and blessing? What financial laws must you obey to comply with Kingdom living?
Here’s my summary of our discussion.
The Kingdom economy is based on giving and receiving, the method of exchange is faith and the motivation is love. The world economy is based on buying and selling, the method of exchange is money and the motivation is self interest.
The world economy is affected by greed and corruption which leads to fear. The greed comes from the foundational motive of self interest and the corruption comes because people are amoral in their assessments and comparisons of what is right for them and others.
The two common models of world economy are communism and capitalism. Both are doomed because they are built on the faulty foundation of self-interest. Communism assumes that each person is the same from a contribution and need point of view. This is not God’s character and does not accurately reflect His creation. That is why communism is so quickly susceptible to corruption. Capitalism recognizes the unique nature of each individual but operates from a selfish point of view and no perfectly acceptable trades can be made. Self as a standard is relative.
One of the big motivations for greed in the economic system is insecurity. A person attempts to amass wealth as a hedge against future loss. This is ultimately driven by a desire for independence. It comes with a feeling or desire to feel that “I don’t need any help, handouts, or advice. I can do it myself.” This independence is the root of all sin because it drives us toward independence from God. We separate ourselves from God by demanding that we be able to stand on our own.
Kingdom economy means to live a life of complete dependence on God, without becoming a victim of God or others. The model of giving and receiving is worked out in all aspects of our life. If we are motivated by love for God and others, then we will be willing to give 100% of who we are for the purpose for which we were created. Each has a unique purpose and ability. When we live that way it requires that we be 100% dependent on receiving what we need from God.
In the world economy there is fear. The fear has its root in loss or potential loss. That loss is measured by independence. In other words, I may fear losing money because it means I am no longer in control of my lifestyle. I can’t determine where or how to live, but my income (or lack thereof) makes that decision for me. Protecting that “right” is what can put a man at odds with God.
The opposite of fear is faith. If I am able to trust God and receive everything I need from Him, then I no longer have a reason to fear that I will be lacking any good thing. I have to trust that God loves me enough to have my best interest at heart. Then I am truly wealthy with treasures in heaven because I have no needs or worries here on earth.