What did Jesus set aside?

Discussion question for November 12, 2010.

Philippians 2 says that Jesus made Himself nothing and humbled Himself.   How much deity did He retain?  How was He able to do physical, emotional and spiritual miracles and wonders?  What might His life been like growing up, and what did He need to develop?  What does His example mean to you?

One Comment

  1. Calvin Tadema says:

    Here’s my summary of our discussion.

    Jesus was fully God and fully man while living on this earth. He set aside (most) of His deity, or godly attributes. He retained the right to use them, as we know from His question to the disciples: “Do you not know that I could call twelve legions of angels…” But in humbling Himself He chose not to use them.

    He was born fully man from the DNA contribution of Mary. His brain would not have experiences of heaven, nor a way to understand His deity. His spirit would testify with the Holy Spirit about His purpose and standing with God. He had to learn and choose. Luke 2:52 describes this process physically, emotionally and spiritually. By age 12 he had come to understand His purpose and relationship with God: “Do you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” It also says in Hebrews 5:8-9 that He learned obedience through suffering, which means there was an increase or proving of it. These scriptures indicate the progressive nature of His development.

    He was born fully God from the DNA / spirit contribution of the Holy Spirit. He forgave people for their sins. If He had forgiven only the offense done against Him, that would be the same as our ability to forgive those that sin against us. But He is described as forgiving all the sins of some (paralytic in Capernaum for instance). Only God can forgive sins, as the Pharisees so astutely judged. Whenever Jesus used God-power it was in complete agreement with the will of God.

    Jesus modeled a relationship with God that He described as “Oneness” in John 17. He explained that the goal is for each of us to have that same kind of relationship with Him and God. He proved that it was possible.

    The ramifications for us are huge. We are not fully God, nor do we have divine characteristics. However, we reflect the deity of God by being created in His image. Just as Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit, we are to be filled as well. The God-power comes from the Spirit as we are in relationship to Him.

    No wonder Jesus told the disciples that they would do the works that He did, and greater works also. God is still willing to fulfill His will through us by the power of the Spirit when we are in a Oneness relationship with Him and humble ourselves in relation to His desire.