What is wisdom?
Discussion question for July 30, 2010.
We are instructed to “be wise” and to “get wisdom.” How would you define wisdom? How does it compare to information and knowledge? What standards can be used to measure wisdom, so that y0u know when you’ve gotten it?
Here’s my summary of our discussion.
Wisdom is the character of God. The world has a standard to measure wisdom that is based on pragmatics, personal preference or gain, or related to some opinion. The apostle Paul calls this the “wisdom” of the world, which is really foolishness. 1 Corinthians 1:30 states that Christ has become for us the wisdom of God. We can get an understanding of wisdom by looking intently at His character.
Wisdom, we agreed, is more than intelligence, experience, knowledge, accumulation of facts or information, or specialized knowledge. It must include an application. It might be expressed as a choice, opinion (belief), or response (action).
The WWJD campaign of several years ago was used to make people think about what Jesus would do. True wisdom is different: it answers the question “What does God want ME to do?” In this way, wisdom is measured by compliance with the will of God.
James 3:13 says that wisdom is proven by good works. The opposite of wisdom (foolishness) is proven by jealousy or selfish ambition and is earthly, unspiritual, and of the devil. I would add that it is proven by fear, greed, or prejudice which is judgment based on a lie.
To test for wisdom we need to investigate our motives. Are we making a decision out of humility to God, in obedience to His will, free from selfish motive, as an expression of love? Then we are exercising wisdom. If our motives, on the other hand, are self-seeking, fear based, or a result of beliefs that come from unredeemed trauma or offense, then we are acting in foolishness.
This test supersedes pragmatism. Our choice may not ultimately bring prosperity or comfort from a worldly perspective. It may never be the popular choice, or be confirmed by public opinion. It will be proven consistent with God’s character, ultimately.